Archive for April, 2010
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April 23, 2010

Route 66 Bird House

April 22, 2010

I’m never sure if Marya Veeck asks me to participate in her art shows because I’m a friend or if she actually thinks I’m a decent artist.

I have sold all three pieces I’ve exhibited in her warm August House Studio, 2113 W. Roscoe in Chicago. Bring a treat for Beasley, her docile, wide eyed beagle that watches over the artwork.

Veeck is an accomplished artist. We’ve connected not only for our love of baseball and irreverence (her father was Baseball Hall of Famer Bill, her brother is baseball’s marketing maverick Mike) but for our appreciation of the outdoors.

Early in her career I was drawn to the oil paintings and [...]

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April 19, 2010

Cuban Baseball Stew

Aroldis Chapman: I can’t face the future.

April 18, 2010

    Like a pie in the sky, last weekend I launched my baseball season by driving 460 miles round trip from Chicago to Toledo, Ohio to watch the professional debut of Cuban pitcher Ardolis Chapman.

    During the off season the Cincinnati Reds snuck up on all the big shooters and signed the left-hander to a six-year $30 million deal. He was assigned to the Class AAA Louisville Bats who visited Toledo.

    I’m a huge fan of the passion behind Cuban baseball—I visited the island in the late 1980s to watch games in Havana—and I wanted to see what Chapman was all about. I knew he [...]

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April 16, 2010

Integrity is doing the right thing when no one else is watching.

I saw this unattributed line on my accountant’s wall last Saturday.

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April 16, 2010

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