Archive for August, 2013
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August 19, 2013

Open hearts

August 18, 2013—

Like the shadow of a strong tree, the tall Indian man crept up to me from behind.

I was struggling to get my ailing Mother into the front passenger seat of our car. She can no longer walk. She can no longer get out of her wheel chair without the aid of caregivers. I was alone.

I have been through every moment of the long parental winter. Taking away the car keys. Falls. Heart attacks. Emergency room visits. But this tall Indian man shed meaningful light on a struggling moment. “Let me help,” he said.

He moved with the help of a dark black cane. He gently set the cane down on the driveway of the medical center in West suburban [...]

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August 9, 2013

Circle of Life

August 9, 2013—-

It seemed so obvious in this coolest of recent summers, but maybe  I am a late bloomer. I grew up on a cul-de-sac in West suburban Chicago. It was the scene of a few joy rides, one no-parking situation during a Thanksgiving break party while my parents were away, and a couple of intense wiffle ball games with my younger brother.

A few weeks ago I took my Mother for a spin around the cul-de-sac court in her wheel chair. She is not doing well. The year-old twin granddaughters of Bill the Neighbor were in dual baby carriages in his front yard. The circle of life.

As your parents grow older, and then very older, you try to embrace the moment. [...]

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August 5, 2013

Burt Hooton & America’s Heartland

August 3, 2013—-

FORT WAYNE, IND.—-The highway flutters and spins out of downtown Chicago to rural central Indiana. You are looking for something, somewhere that tethers you to younger days. All the motels along Route 30 are sold out until you get to Warsaw, about 35 miles west of Fort Wayne. A ramshackle Super 8 has become an independent operation.

The night clerk is a heavy set woman sprawled out on a saggy sofa. She is watching a flickering television screen. With one hand she is playing a game on her laptop computer. It is her good hand. With the other hand she is swatting at flies with a green fly swatter. “You’re lucky,” she says. “Tomorrow we’ll  be [...]

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