Archive for December, 2015
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December 22, 2015

Birds & Locks

Lock myself out, the first time in 20 years

Am I becoming my parents, losing my memory

Bit by bit like the drip from an unforgettable icicle

Outside of the house I grew up in.

I wait for the locksmith on the back steps.

A cardinal stops on along the driveway

I see my Mom who grew up near St. Louis

Until the man arrives with his box of magical tools

The man says it will not take long and begins to chip away

The [...]

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December 14, 2015

Bar Flowers

The Matchbox: Room with a view

These are the darkest days of the year in Chicago.

And every winter I think of the abundant outdoor flower stands in rainy Seattle, San Francisco and New York City that illuminate the day and your thoughts.

The older I get, the more I appreciate flowers. For the last couple years of her life I would bring my Mom a small bouquet of fresh flowers for my weekly Sunday visit.

That made my Dad happy. As a middle-aged man he planted dozens of roses in our backyard.

Since my parents passed away this spring [...]

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December 1, 2015

Notes from Santiago, Chile


SANTIAGO, Chile—Lavender petals of the jacaranda tree fall on an empty dinner plate in a bistro patio. Two petals float together like feathers in a dream. They land together where you are alone.

Symbolism is pondered for a few minutes but you cannot linger here. There are places to go. On a 2012 visit to Santiago, there was a climb up to the Cerro San Cristobal adorned by the snow-white statue of the Virgen de la Immaculada Concepcion. This time you return to reflect on those you have lost while offering gratitude for all that they gave.

You walk towards the Lastarria neighborhood and head past the rushing Rio Mapocho river and Parque [...]

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