Archive for May, 2020
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May 31, 2020

The hopes and dreams of Central Camera

Chicago’s oldest camera store 5/30/20 (Andy Pierce photo)


I was at the historic Central Camera Co., store, 230 S. Wabash on Friday afternoon.

I waited outside the door to pick up some prints at Chicago’s oldest camera store. My friend and long time clerk Timothy Shaver came out. We did an elbow bump and I gave him condolences towards the recent passing of his mother at age 99. Third generation store owner Don Flesch arrived next. He offered me a piece of candy as he does with most of his customers. He pulled his face mask down a bit to reveal a smile that would never be denied.

We began [...]

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May 27, 2020

The Mom & Pop spirit of a roadside motel


ELDON, Mo.—During the 1960s and 70s, tiny Eldon, Mo. was known as “Gateway to the Lake of the Ozarks.” Old U.S. 54 curved through town like a rainbow. The Randles Court and Coffee Shop greeted tourists at the north end of a bend in the road. Clear sailing ahead, ten minutes to the lake.

Loyd A. Boots built what was originally called the Boots Cottage Court in the early 1930s in Eldon. He was from Bagnell, Mo. In 1931 the 2,500-foot long Bagnell Dam was constructed, which created the lake.  Boots had a foot up on tourism. There were no motels at the Lake of the Ozarks. (In 1939 his brother Arthur opened his Boots Motel on old Route 66 in Carthage, [...]

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May 19, 2020

Bill Griffin–a vendor for the ages

Bill Griffin, Chicago vendor, 1980. (Courtesy of Lloyd Rutzky)


The world has been changing and Bill Griffin likely wanted no part of it.

“Griff” was the gruffest vendor at Wrigley Field and Comiskey Park in Chicago. He was proud to say that no one had worked the ballparks longer than him. His vendor life began in 1952. Bill spoke in an outlaw drawl that came from his native Oklahoma and he had the face of a postage stamp left out in a western rain. Bill died May 16 of COVID-19 at the Astoria Place senior home in Chicago. He was 88 years old.

Bill died the day after they started playing live organ [...]

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