Archive for July, 2021
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July 27, 2021

Chuck E. Weiss rolled the dice (1945-2021)

Chuck E. Weiss (Image via ANTI- records)


Singer-raconteur Chuck E. Weiss lived in a world of flickering neon where every ashtray was filled and sunset hearts wandered on the edges of empty. Weiss was popularized in the 1979 Rickie Lee Jones hit “Chuck E’s in Love” but I came to know him in 1987 when he was headlining Chuck E. Weiss and the Godddam Liars, an industrial-strength rock n’ soul revue at The Central in West Hollywood, Ca.

Chuck Edward  Weiss died on July 20 after a battle with cancer. He was 76 years old.

Exit numbers: 7/20/21. Sounds lucky.

Once in a while, the Chicago Sun-Times [...]

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July 15, 2021

The Hits Keep Coming in Downtown Beloit, Wisconsin


Long foul balls from this new Wisconsin stadium could land in Illinois.


BELOIT, WIS.—Minor league baseball is about coming and going.

No one wants to stay put.

But after the ABC Supply Stadium opens on Aug. 3 with the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers taking on the Beloit Snappers in downtown Beloit, the ballpark will be there for years to come. Fans will walk through the centerfield gates along the bed of the timeless Rock River. Located on the Illinois-Wisconsin border, long foul balls hit over the first base facade could land in the Illinois zip code. Hopefully, they won’t get super [...]

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