All posts by Dave Hoekstra
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July 28, 2020

When Central Camera had a record label


For no reason at all, looters and arsonists destroyed the historic Central Camera Co. store, 230 S. Wabash during the May 30 Chicago protests following the murder of George Floyd. Not long after the store was ruined, third-generation owner Don Flesch began a personal journey to see if there was anything he could salvage from his upstairs office.

Maybe he would find a lost letter from his grandfather Albert Flesch.

Or, a family photograph, of course.

Instead, he found sweet music hidden in a distant shelf.

During the early 1900s, Central Camera had a record label. Flesch discovered a cracked, smoke-tinged 78 by Peluso’s  Orchestra. It [...]

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July 22, 2020

RIP David Leong, founder of “Springfield Style Cashew Chicken”

David Leong, 1920-2020


“The Cashew Chicken Capital of America” is a true made-in-America story delivered from the hills and highways of Springfield, Mo.

Springfield’s population is approximately 168,000 people. And nearly 100 regional restaurants serve cashew chicken.

David Leong, the beloved founder of “Springfield Style Cashew Chicken” died July 20 in Springfield. He had been battling pneumonia. David was 99 years old. He would have turned 100 on August 18.

David’s remarkable journey incorporates so many things I love: cashew chicken, Route 66, soul music, immigrant [...]

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July 17, 2020

Sail on Papa Stairstep

In loving memory of Clarence Burke, Sr, 1929-2020. (Photo courtesy of Keni Burke)


Clarence Burke, Sr., the beloved patriarch of Chicago’s Five Stairsteps soul and rock group died on July 16, following a seizure in an Atlanta area hospital. He would have turned 91 on July 17.

I interviewed Mr. Burke in late June for a New City magazine article celebrating the 50th anniversary of the group’s biggest hit, “O-o-h Child.” A couple of days after our conversation he fell in his home and suffered a fractured hip. When I heard that news I recalled the satisfied, empathetic tones in Mr. Burke’s voice. He ended our [...]

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July 16, 2020

“O-o-h Child”–Song for Chicago


The city’s soul is wounded. Crime is up,  children are getting killed and the simple lights of summer are shadowed by orders of distancing. Some rules are too much to remember but this should never be forgotten:

The summer of 2020 is the 50th anniversary of the hit Chicago pop-soul ballad “O-o-h Child.”

It is a song of healing.

“O-o-h Child” was recorded by the Five Stairsteps, a  south side precursor to the Jackson 5. The group consisted of five of the six children of Betty and Clarence Burke, Sr. Clarence, Sr. was a detective for the Chicago Police Department. He also played bass and later managed the Five Stairsteps. The young blood [...]

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