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October 1, 2020

Rural Thoughts on an Urban Exodus

Layne Greene photo courtesy of The Daily Yonder.


The drumbeats of a pandemic, crime, cost of living, and divisive national leadership have planted the seeds for an urban exodus. Should some of that happen, forward- thinking communities in rural America could blossom.

The Daily Yonder  is an ambitious online newsletter published by the Center for Rural Strategies in Whitesburg, Ky. The Daily Yonder covers rural news on a national scope. Tim Marema is editor.

Over yonder from today’s dehumanizing conversations, what are the good things that humans do?

“We’re in a society that allows us to be [...]

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September 8, 2020

Ronny’s Steakhouse–When the Loop Sizzled


Ronny’s Steakhouse closed over Labor Day weekend in Chicago’s Loop.

It was another signal in the shift of the urban community as a result of the pandemic. At one time there were six Ronny’s steakhouses in downtown Chicago. The last one standing was on the ground floor of the Thompson Center building. Government workers came to Ronny’s. Bank tellers ate there. There were wayward tourists. The late actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was a fan, most notably stopping in around 2010 when he was directing the “Long Red Road” at the nearby Goodman Theatre.

They are all ghosts in 2020.

Ronny’s was a place out of time during its time, which helped explain [...]

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July 28, 2020

When Central Camera had a record label


For no reason at all, looters and arsonists destroyed the historic Central Camera Co. store, 230 S. Wabash during the May 30 Chicago protests following the murder of George Floyd. Not long after the store was ruined, third-generation owner Don Flesch began a personal journey to see if there was anything he could salvage from his upstairs office.

Maybe he would find a lost letter from his grandfather Albert Flesch.

Or, a family photograph, of course.

Instead, he found sweet music hidden in a distant shelf.

During the early 1900s, Central Camera had a record label. Flesch discovered a cracked, smoke-tinged 78 by Peluso’s  Orchestra. It [...]

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May 31, 2020

The hopes and dreams of Central Camera

Chicago’s oldest camera store 5/30/20 (Andy Pierce photo)


I was at the historic Central Camera Co., store, 230 S. Wabash on Friday afternoon.

I waited outside the door to pick up some prints at Chicago’s oldest camera store. My friend and long time clerk Timothy Shaver came out. We did an elbow bump and I gave him condolences towards the recent passing of his mother at age 99. Third generation store owner Don Flesch arrived next. He offered me a piece of candy as he does with most of his customers. He pulled his face mask down a bit to reveal a smile that would never be denied.

We began [...]

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