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May 23, 2022

The Enduring Community of Chicago Beer

In search of the pure food beer (Courtesy of June Sawyers.)

Scottish by birth and a Chicagoan by heart, June Sawyers has written more than 25 books.

Her prolific catalog includes “Praying With Celtic Saints, Prophets, Martyrs, and Poets,”  “Dreams of Elsewhere: Selected Travel Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson” and a couple of my favorites, “Bob Dylan: New York” and “Racing in the Street: The Bruce Springsteen Reader.” She teaches at the Newberry Library in Chicago.

I’ve known Sawyers for many years.

I did not peg her as a beer person.

But she has just released “Chicago Beer (A History of [...]

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November 10, 2020

Swinging with the Beloit Supper Clubbers?

Build it and they will have supper (Courtesy of the Beloit Snappers.)

The relish tray is Quint Studer’s favorite item at a Wisconsin supper club. That makes sense. Studer is an investor and managing partner in the rebirth of the Beloit (Wis.) Snappers minor league baseball team. He has an appetite for all the seasoning that life can offer.

Studer grew up in Brookfield, a near western suburb of Chicago. He was raised on the Go-Go White Sox. The neighborhood hangout was Joe’s (Butkovich) Saloon on 47th Street. Joe’s sponsored Sunday bus trips to Comiskey Park and Studer would tag along with his parents. Everyone on the [...]

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September 8, 2020

Ronny’s Steakhouse–When the Loop Sizzled


Ronny’s Steakhouse closed over Labor Day weekend in Chicago’s Loop.

It was another signal in the shift of the urban community as a result of the pandemic. At one time there were six Ronny’s steakhouses in downtown Chicago. The last one standing was on the ground floor of the Thompson Center building. Government workers came to Ronny’s. Bank tellers ate there. There were wayward tourists. The late actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was a fan, most notably stopping in around 2010 when he was directing the “Long Red Road” at the nearby Goodman Theatre.

They are all ghosts in 2020.

Ronny’s was a place out of time during its time, which helped explain [...]

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July 22, 2020

RIP David Leong, founder of “Springfield Style Cashew Chicken”

David Leong, 1920-2020


“The Cashew Chicken Capital of America” is a true made-in-America story delivered from the hills and highways of Springfield, Mo.

Springfield’s population is approximately 168,000 people. And nearly 100 regional restaurants serve cashew chicken.

David Leong, the beloved founder of “Springfield Style Cashew Chicken” died July 20 in Springfield. He had been battling pneumonia. David was 99 years old. He would have turned 100 on August 18.

David’s remarkable journey incorporates so many things I love: cashew chicken, Route 66, soul music, immigrant [...]

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