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November 11, 2024

Jonathan Winters For These Times

“In Lieu of a Carrot” by the great Jonathan Winters


Comedian-actor-artist Jonathan Winters would have turned 99 years old today.

Over the last week, I returned to Winters’ books, artwork, and a conversation with him. I needed an elixir.

Winters was very kind, very funny, and a curious listener. Just before the election, I re-read his 1987 book “Winters’ Tales (Stories and Observations for the Unusual).” The book is a collection of 25 years of Winters’ essays and thoughts. I bought “Winters Tales” for my father who was a huge Winters fan. They are both gone now but their considerable [...]

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May 13, 2024

My keynote speech to the Virginia Press Association

The Virginia Press Association (VPA) asked me to be the keynote speaker at their annual conference and awards banquet, held May 4 at the Omni Hotel in Charlottesville, VA. This year’s theme was “Beyond the Fold (Navigating Tomorrow’s News Landscape).”The association was founded in 1881 by the Virginia General Assembly. Current VPA Executive Director Betsy Edwards liked the hopeful tones of my book “Beacons in the Darkness (Hope and Transformation Among America’s Community Newspapers).”

By request here is a lightly edited version of my 40-minute talk. Post-conference updates are denoted by ***. Enjoy. 


No place is a place until things are [...]

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November 20, 2020

The Brightest Light of Ruby Tuesday

Artist Ken Auster’s “Turnin-A-Burnin” (Courtesy of Jack Morris)


The only Ruby Tuesday restaurant left in Illinois is off of Route 66 in downstate Litchfield. I’ve had the chicken and broccoli pasta a few times there over the past year. On every visit, I’ve paid a little more attention to the artwork. The walls contain restaurant themed paintings that recall Edward Hopper’s sparse realism.

On the north wall of the Ruby Tuesday, there is a giclee (inkjet printing process) of a waiter in a creased white shirt serving two men at a small table with a white tablecloth. A chef with a [...]

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November 2, 2020

The sign in my yard

When a rose blooms in November, you see the hearts of everyone. Doors open and walls fall, with the gift of a rose in your outstretched hand. When a rose blooms in November, its petals will soon fall into a bed of empathy Skies turn soft blue and the angry orange will slide into the horizon.

When a rose blooms in November, people smile at tomorrow. The dark winter is sure to be followed by bright possibilities. Birds come to you. When a rose blooms in November, shouting turns into sharing Thorns, weeds, and dirty deeds will not be considered.

Maybe your father planted roses as did mine. My father was gentle, humble, and full of humor. He also liked dogs. When a [...]

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