Nocturnal Journal
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December 5, 2018

Dreaming of an Evergleam Christmas

My Evergleam.

MILWAUKEE, WI.—Aluminium was a foil for Midcentury America.

A section of the fantastic “Serious Play: Design in Midcentury America” exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Museum is devoted to the possibilities of aluminium (or aluminum.)

The late Chicago architect Henry P. Glass designed a collapsable aluminum and plastic trailer, a.k.a. the “Accordium Camp Trailer.” The proposed 700-foot camper folded up like an accordion and could be hauled behind a car. The mid-1950s project was commissioned by Alcoa Aluminum’s free-wheeling “Forecast” program.

Alcola promised, “There’s a world of aluminum [...]

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May 7, 2018

Tail Dragger Returns to Jail

                          Tail Dragger at Cook County Jail (Photos by Jon Sall)

James Yancy “Tail Dragger” Jones was confronted by fellow blues musician Bennie “Boston Blackie” Houston in the early morning hours of July 11, 1993 at the Delta Fish Market at Jackson and Kedzie. They had an ongoing dispute about payment at that year’s Chicago Blues Festival. Blackie had threatened Tail Dragger with a knife and according to 1993 court records, Tail Dragger testified that he shot Blackie in self defense. Blackie was hit  in the left eye.

Blackie, 49, died on the scene.

Tail Dragger was convicted of second-degree [...]

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September 8, 2017

Life at a roadside Canadian tiki bar, hotel-motel

Canadian sunsets (D. Hoekstra photo)

TROIS-RIVIERES, QUEBEC, CANADA—Like all great tiki establishments, the Hotel-Motel Coconut remains true to its original vision.

Gerry and Madelaine Landry opened the Coconut in 1961 in Trois-Riviers (Three-Rivers), a 90 mile drive north of Montreal. They wanted the Coconut to capture the spirit of their Tahitian honeymoon.

Amazingly, the place hasn’t changed much in 56 years

Current owner Valerie Boisvert looked around the dark 180-seat Coconut bar that is loaded with rattan chairs, totem poles, tiki statues and shell lamps. “They brought all this back from [...]

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September 3, 2017

Urban campers take flight

William W. Powers State Recreation Area–in Chicago.

Urban camping has spread its wings at the William W. Powers State Recreation Area.

The 580-acre park is the only State Park in the City of Chicago. The recreation area is at 130th Avenue O on the far southeast side of the city. The park’s jewel is the 419-acre Wolf Lake that borders Hammond, Ind., and although it has been described as a “hidden gem,” nearly half a million people visit annually.

Interim Site Superintendent Levi Bray said that at least 60 per cent are minority outdoors enthusiasts, which skews up from national camping demographics. There’s [...]

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