Posts Tagged ‘Chicago Cubs’
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May 19, 2020

Bill Griffin–a vendor for the ages

Bill Griffin, Chicago vendor, 1980. (Courtesy of Lloyd Rutzky)


The world has been changing and Bill Griffin likely wanted no part of it.

“Griff” was the gruffest vendor at Wrigley Field and Comiskey Park in Chicago. He was proud to say that no one had worked the ballparks longer than him. His vendor life began in 1952. Bill spoke in an outlaw drawl that came from his native Oklahoma and he had the face of a postage stamp left out in a western rain. Bill died May 16 of COVID-19 at the Astoria Place senior home in Chicago. He was 88 years old.

Bill died the day after they started playing live organ [...]

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January 4, 2019

Requiem for my Cubs tickets

Our family in Wrigley Field’s 242, summer of 2000. Mom and Dad with caps, sons Dave (L) and Doug behind them with caps. (Mark Ibach photo.)

After 33 years I have dropped my Chicago Cubs season tickets.

Success became too much to handle.

Our first year as season ticket holders was in 1985 when Wrigley Field was more middle class friendly. Compared to today, I recall more families and more wayward old guys. By chance, in 1985  we landed in the shade of the dark green grandstands behind home plate. Newspaper columnist Mike Royko sat in front of us and adult movie star Seka was down the row. She’s a baseball [...]

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October 24, 2016

World Series Road Trip

CLEVELAND, OH.–It is 347 miles from Chicago to Cleveland, Ohio

And 71 years.

Slow down and enjoy the ride. Don’t let third base coaches Wendell Kim or Tony Muser wave you home.

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

That’s the call of the Cubs fan.

The autumn drive from Chicago to Cleveland is as humble as Kyle Hendricks. You cross the Calumet River, dart through the green, gold and yellow trees near Michigan City and see where homes are for sale at $499 a month at Arrowhead Lake near Toledo.

The red barns of western Ohio look like [...]

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August 11, 2014

Finding fun in belonging


CHARLESTON, S.C.–Only by traveling do you discover where you belong.

I have been down that road a couple times this summer, whether it was dancing to Beach Music in the sand of North Myrtle Beach, S.C. or just taking a memory trip under a full moon to the Prairie Lights Bookstore in Iowa City.

But a lasting image of the summer of 2014 is seeing my friend Mike Veeck addressing the Charleston River Dogs fans after “Disco Demolition 2” at Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park in Charleston, S.C.

Besides Veeck, I would argue I am the only other person who has attended both Disco Demolitions. The [...]

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