Peggy Mullins from a distance (Rene’ Greblo photo)
SPRINGFIELD, MO.–It is nearly an hour before showtime at Luttrell’s Auction and Live Music Barn on a recent Saturday night. An elderly woman in a purple sweater walks through four aisles of empty white plastic chairs to find a spot in the front row. This is her place in the world. There cannot be a sense of history without a place.
Peggy Mullins was married to country singer-songwriter Johnny Lafayette Mullins for 53 years.
He died in October, 2009 and that’s when she started coming to hear music in the former feed [...]
Photo by Rene’ Greblo
SPRINGFIELD, Mo.—–The sameness that shades popular culture in America has not arrived along the Route 66 bypass on the northwest end of Springfield. A white aluminum shack that looks like a large trailer sits a good distance from the road. A portable barbecue stand is sizzling adjacent to the gravel driveway.
You have arrived at an unfiltered destination:
Luttrell’s Auction and Live Music Show, 2939 W. Kearney.
And the new Blue Grass BBQ.
Auction house owner Don Luttrell claims his business is [...]