Jimmy Buffett was a best-selling author, songwriter, businessman, airplane pilot, sailor, surfer, father, husband, environmentalist, tequila drinker, dog lover, and more. Yes, he lived a huge life.
Buffett died on Sept. 1 from cancer. He was 76 years old.
The thread of all his magical pursuits is how he paid attention to detail.
Jimmy Buffett listened for every heartbeat.
He found a twinkle in the eyes of everyone he met.
I have dozens of Buffett stories. Twice I brought Richard Harding and his daughter Catherine to Buffett shows in the Chicago area. Richard Harding was the grizzled owner of the Quiet Knight music room south of [...]
Steve Goodman in his favorite outerwear. (Courtesy of Rosanna Goodman)
Beloved Chicago singer-songwriter Steve Goodman did not miss much in his 36 years.
That’s how he wrote “City of New Orleans,” his 1971 ballad about a fading America. Goodman was taking the original City of New Orleans train from the Illinois Central station in Chicago with his wife Nancy to visit her family in Southern Illinois. She fell asleep next to him. Goodman looked out at the fast-moving farms from his window. Time was flying. Inside he saw restless riders, train conductors, and old men in the club car. He kept score. He was a [...]
Photos, Nov. 2015 by Dave Hoekstra unless noted.
RAPA NUI, CHILE–Some have fallen and some stand tall, which is the story of mankind.
Any pilgrimage to Easter Island, a.k.a. Rapa Nui, must begin at the Rano Raraku quarry where almost all the majestic moai (carvings) were made. Visitors can see nearly 400 of the island’s 887 moais in various stages of artistic endeavor on a healthy hike through Rano Raraku.
Some moai look out towards the ocean, others are horizontal on the ground. I saw one moai tucked in the crevice of a volcanic cliff. Scattered across the [...]
He wrote New Orleans R&B classics such as Ernie K. Doe’s “Mother-in-Law,” LeeDorsey’s “Working in a Coal Mine” and “Southern [...]