Posts Tagged ‘Lou Pride’
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March 6, 2011

Lou Pride, Soldier of Soul

MARCH 6, 2011—

There are no medals for Chicago soul singers. The emotive gospel based music has always been shot down by the city’s blues scene.

Someone was tellling me the other day about Bono’s choice cover Curtis Mayfield’s “People Get Ready” at a U2 concert in Chicago and asked the audience to sing along. I was told he was met mostly with a collective “Huh?”

Last night Lou Pride stood tall on the stage of the American Legion Hall Post 42 in Evanston, Ill. Pride is a locally overlooked 61-year-old soul singer who lives in north suburban Waukegan. He was appearing as part of the Bluegrass & Legends series held periodically at the roadhouse hall (ask [...]

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