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December 23, 2010

Reconsidering New Year’s Eve

Meeting Black Elvis, New Year’s Eve 1987.

Dec. 23, 2010—

New Year’s Eve. Where do I begin? That’s what New Year’s Day is about, right? I’m getting the feeling this New Year’s Eve will be like New Year’s Eve 1998. My Chicago friends Bob and Cleo met me at the Snow Flake Lounge, a tiny bar adjacent to the Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired Snow Flake Motel south of St. Joseph, Mich.

A local Elvis Presley and Patsy Cline husband-and-wife team hosted a karaoke party. Bob and Cleo were staying with some friends. I stayed at the Snow Flake, where my one-light bulb room had minimal heat and a mattress that was crazy hard. The lounge was packed with locals on a snowy [...]

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